A Decade of Art
August 11 - September 22, 2024
Celebrating 10 years
at 705 WEST
(scroll down to see 35 pieces of original art)
To view the show in our art gallery or to purchase art, please contact us
Deborah Fries
Staghorn Fern, Fort Meyers
24"x 17.5" monotype
Kathy Chapman
15"x 11" monotype with collage
Bonnie Goldstein
Red Beak
4.75"x 4" drypoint
Bonnie Goldstein
Storm Brewing
7"x 7.75" drypoint
Emily Ennulat-Lustine
Embracing Grief
11"x 16.75" collagraph
Bonnie Goldstein
Cat Walk
4.5"X 6.5" drypoint
Patricia Shaw Lima
West Avenue Sunset
12"x 12" reduction linocut
Elaine Buono
River Po, Bergantino, Italy
11"x 14" monotyppe
Joanne Hofferman
4.25"x 6.5" monotype
Deborah Fries
Crape Myrtle on Oak Lane
24"x 17.5" monotype
Elizabeth Stricker
19.25"x 13.75" monotype w/chine collé
Emily Ennulat-Lustine
Where The Heart Is
8.5"x 8" collagraph
Elizabeth Stricker
12"x 14.75" monoprint w/chine colle
Carole J. Meyers
Embracing Entanglements II
16.5"x 19.5" monotype
Susan Dubrunfaut
12"x 12" linocut
Carole J. Meyers
Enchanting Isles
9"x 12" monotype
Deborah Fries
Let's go see the Mexican Dogwood
17.5"x 24" monotype
Emily Ennulat-Lustine
Barefoot Summer
7"x 11" collagraph
Laura Ramos
Adios ASA
22"x 11" collagraph, collage, pencil
Neila Kun
4"x 6" monotype
Joanne Hofferman
14"x 10.5" monotype w/collage
Elaine Buono
Drying River in Czech Republic
12"x 13" monotype
Joanne Hofferman
29.75"x 19.75" collagraph
Carole J. Meyers
Embracing Entanglements I
16.5"x 23" monotype
Patricia Shaw Lima
A Walk at Sunset
10"x 14" layered monotype
Susan Dubrunfaut
12"x 12" monotype
Neila Kun
4"x 6" monotype
Kathy Chapman
Red Tape
15"x 11" monotype w/collage
Susan Dubrunfaut
Empty Nest
7"x 5" drypoint w/chine collé
Elaine Buono
Drying Subarctic lakes of Canada
8"x 11" monotype
Elizabeth Stricker
10"x 8" monotype w/chine colle
Kathy Chapman
Hot Violin
15"x 11" monotype
Laura Ramos
104 Street
11"x 14" monotype, collage
Patricia Shaw Lima
Cloud Base
11.75"x 14" layered monotype
Laura Ramos
22"x 14" monotype, collage, mixed media
We hope you enjoyed the show!
View the art in person at our Jenkintown art gallery
Gallery Hours: M&W 10-2; TU eve 6-9;
appointment for other times through our email below
TO PURCHASE NOW, see the BUY ART ONLINE section below.
Purchase online using PayPal or a debit/credit card.
Art is unframed. Pick up from our Jenkintown, PA art gallery or ship for an additional charge.
Please email to let us know the art you are choosing.
Thank you for supporting original hand made art!